Quote the people:

"We all want to be understood." -Gray Evasion

Friday, April 25, 2014

It's time for these baby birds to learn to fly

Nelson pulled a fast one on us. He threw us from the nest, and hoped we would spread our wings. 
I felt exposed. So many thoughts ran through my head, I was so afraid. Even now as I imagine that all of you know who I am, I feel so uncertain. 
I definitely was the bird that plummeted quickly towards the ground. 
But then I realized. 
I do have wings.
Nelson has taught us courage and taking risks and speaking for ourselves and that was the wind.
We needed to catch that wind to soar. And if we didn't, we would fall.
I realized, there are worse things in life than all of you thinking my writing is horrid.
There are worse things in life than writing how I feel and having people disagree, cause that's the way life is, people don't always agree.
There are worse things in life than having my pen name revealed. 
So Nelson, thank you for doing us all a favor. 
I promise, I won't sue you.