Quote the people:

"We all want to be understood." -Gray Evasion

Sunday, March 30, 2014


I think about things I don't know.
Like- when is there ever going to be a time that I won't have access to a calculator besides when a teacher puts the restriction?
Or when will there be no more wars?
Where will be the place that I live in the future?
What will happen if I just walked up and kissed a random person?
When will people be able to look at each other and just see their heart- their intentions?
Who decided what questions to put on the ACT?
Why is thinking about the past a bad thing- especially when it teaches us not to be that person again, or it makes us happy? 
When will my sister find the man she's marrying?
Who will be able to change the world next? 
When will the day come that I won't care about what people say?
What if I got over my fear of heights and jumped out of a plane?
When will I be able to walk out the door wearing my "red dress", just like the poem by Kim Addonizio, and be okay with every detail of me being exposed?
Who would hate me if I wasn't as pretty as my name sounds?
Why can't people be open to differences and change? 
When is the end? 
Who what where when why??? 
I don't know.
Maybe someday I finally will. 
But for now-
Thinking about the galaxy hurts my mind.
Showering is the greatest thing in the world.
The fact that we could instantly die by a rogue planet makes me internally scream.
Pickles and peanut butter should never go together.
Mr. Nelson should get the greatest teacher in the universe award.
The movie Insurgent should come out a lot sooner than it does.
I hang out with too many freshmen.
Contention gives me anxiety.
I'll keep hoping for my time to shine. 

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